Part 1: Fatima and the peaceful fall of communism that astonished the world


The sudden and peaceful fall of the communist empire toward the end on the 20th century astonished the world. “Communism, the dark tyranny that controlled more than 30 nations and was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million suddenly, collapsed, without a shot being fired…the speed of communism’s collapse in the Soviet Union surprised everyone from analysts to Soviet rulers.” -Lee Edwards

The peaceful demise of 87 dictatorships followed like dominoes. The entire world knew that something was unique about what happened but they were largely unaware of the link of the rise and fall of communism in Russia to prophecies in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal. Or, that those prophecies lead us to some very recent prophecies that have been fulfilled here in America.

The prophecy at Fatima in 1917 warned that Russia would become communist and spread its errors if the Christian faithful didn’t heed the call to repentance, prayer for the conversion of sinners and the consecration of Russia.

The requested consecration was not completed and less than a year later, the Bolsheviks seized power and became the dominant political power in Russia. Persecution of Christians began. Priests and Christians were hanged, beheaded and crucified in mass numbers. Christianity became illegal in multiple countries as Russia attempted to stamp out God.

One of the Fatima prophecies also warned that if people did not repent, a greater war than World War I would begin after a strange light illuminated the night sky.

On January 25th 1938,  a strange light did appear in the sky. The strange light was a type of Aurora Borealis that was seen all over Europe AND North America — people were terrified as far south as California in the United States. Below is a newspaper article about some of the reactions to the light in the sky.

unknown light.jpeg

On February 4th 1938, less than two weeks after the aurora was seen by the world, Hitler promoted himself to military chief in Germany.

A month later he marched his army into Austria. This was one of the early aggressions before the start of the war. World War II broke out the following year. The warning that Russia would spread communism came to pass. Communism did rise in Russia and communism spread. By 1982, 73% of the world was communist and 170 million souls had died under communism's murderous iron fist. And as prophecies, a greater World War broke out after the strange light illuminated the sky.

In 1984, Pope John II Learned about the Prophecies and performed the consecration of russia that had been requested in 1917

What followed astonished the world.

Pope John Paul learned about the prophecies of Fatima after an assassination attempt nearly took his life in 1984. He performed the consecration of Russia as requested. Within 9 months, Russia’s superpower status was compromised and by March 1985, the first baptized Christian, Mikhail Gorbachav was made President. 15 communist republics were freed from communism and the Warsaw pact ended. After Russia was freed from communism, other countries followed peacefully . The Berlin wall came down. The fall in Czechlovaskia was termed “the Velvet Revolution” because it was so stinking that there was no violence. The speed of political changes shocked most of the world. Its notable that several of the significant changes occurred on Feast Days related to the prophecies in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal and two were on Christmas day.

* In 1990, on the Feast of Fatima, May 13th, freedom of religion was made the law of Russia.

* On feast of the miracle of Fatima, Oct 13, Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize.

* On Aug 19, 1991 the communists attempted to overthrow Gorbachev. They picked the wrong day for it was the 74th anniversary of the Aug appearance at Fatima. On Aug 22 the attempt failed and the communists were defeated.

* 13 days after that (on Christmas Day, Dec 25th, 1991) the Communist Flag came down for last time over Russia. 15 republics were freed from communism.

* In 1992 another attempt was made to overthrow the government and Yelson stood against the entire communist army and no one died. 

* Then on Christmas day, 1992 Communism was declared illegal in Russia.

*By 1996, Starting with People Power and Rosary in the Philippines, 87 dictatorships had fallen throughout the world.

-Rick Salbalto

This provides a more detailed timeline of the events up to 2017: Is Russia Becoming A Christian Nation Again-Decide for Yourself

The entire whole world took note of the non-violent transition of power. How can this be explained?

The liberation began when Pope John Paul II called down the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit came. President Reagan and Pope John Paul were brought together after they both had assassination attempts on their lives within 6 weeks of each other. God had a divine plan. A plan that had been prophecied in 1917. A movie about that divine plan was released last year. Director Robert Orlando said he wanted to get youth off their phones and say, ‘You really have to pay attention. This was only 30 years ago. If you are forgetting 30 years ago, this is dangerous!’” 

President Trump spoke of Pope John Paul in this speech noted that the People of Poland, the people of America and the people of Europe still cry out, “we want GOD!” Poland officially declared Jesus Christ King of Poland in 2016!

2. kim clement spoke prophecies about america before his death in 2016 that have already come to pass

Kim Clement has given several prophecies that have already come to pass. There is a prophecy that has not come to pass that says that soul of our nation will be healed of the division, anger, and bitterness by a Woman who is consecrated and set apart. “People will say we hated her but now we love her.”

Here is the entire prophecy about A Woman who will bring healing:

I am not suggesting that I know what will come next-only time will tell. But Clement’s prophecy about a woman bringing healing reminds me of conversion of pagan nations, the miraculous end to wars and attempted takeovers that have occurred through the intercession of Mary, the mother of our Lord. She truly is a “woman who is set apart” as Clement described. She is the woman who the bible says all generations will call her blessed. Jesus called Mary “Woman”. The term “Woman” has profound meaning theologically in God’s plan in salvation history. Karlo Broussard briefly explains here: “Why Does Jesus Always Call Mary Woman”?

Kim Clement’s prophecy mentions Esther. Interestingly, Queen Esther has been considered a prefigurement of Mary throughout church history. As the world knows, Mary’s role is unique in salvation history. But not many are familiar with Mary’s role in the conversion of countries from paganism to Christianity and in aiding in the miraculous end to wars and takeovers that has also been unique.

It was Our Lady of Fatima who gave those prophecies about Russia in 1917. Could Mary be the woman who Clement prophesied will use to bring healing to our country? I don’t know, but I see signs of hope. Is it a coincidence that the movie “Fatima” was released during this time as socialism is a real threat in our country? Certainly the primary message of Fatima still applies to us today: Repent, believe the gospel, pray for the conversion of sinners and pray a daily rosary for peace.

Part 2 covers Miracles of the Rosary that Changed the Course of History

Pax Christi.


More Information:

In , this video interview Tim Staples, a former Assembly of God youth pastor, tells about his conversion story and what he learned about how Mary fits into God’s plan for Christians. I highly recommend it because he explains how his objections were answered by a faithful fellow Marine.

More Information

Why Does Jesus Refer to Mary as “Woman”?

“Do Catholics Worship Mary?”,

How Can You Say that Mary is the New Eve?

What Do Fourteen Holy Helpers From the Black Plague Have to Do with Coronavirus?